Macclesfield SciBar

The Park Tavern

Monday 22nd July 2024

Investigate the Dead! How Science can Improve Criminal Cases Outcomes a talk by Dr Noemi Procopio

How often have we heard about criminal cases that remain unresolved and fade into oblivion? Unsolved cases have significant economic and societal impacts on every nation, breeding distrust towards the criminal justice system. The team at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston is pioneering innovative research aimed at enhancing our understanding of complex forensic cases involving highly decomposed remains or contentious factors such as time of death or victim age.

By leveraging cutting-edge scientific approaches, the group is developing molecular methods to more accurately estimate post-mortem intervals.

conducted in collaboration with Human Taphonomy Facilities in the USA, where donated cadavers undergo controlled decomposition studies to advance our knowledge of post-mortem phenomena.

This presentation will take the audience on a journey through unresolved cases, the scientific work conducted in our laboratory, our collaboration with the Human Taphonomy Facilities, and our recent involvement in a real case aimed at uncovering the truth behind a mysterious death.

GET THERE EARLY I already know of 5 people who don’t regularly attend SciBar who are coming for this talk so please get there early for this one.

Bar SnacksĀ  are available 6 – 7pm as well as all the usual non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks.